– Alternate presets in older versions of ReShade for those who cannot runReShade 2.0. – 15+ ReShade options to custom the look of your game to your own preference: Perfect color correction, bloom, tonemapping, and more. – Only the best that ReShade has to offer. – Removed sniper lens and all other lens color toning. – Removed color toning when “focusing” on objectives. Creating an ever changing and natural cycle, leaving everyday with a new transition and experience. – Added multiple brand new weathers into the cycle of the weather system.

– Removed all character color toning from special abilites, to character switch cam, to weapon wheel, etc. – Massively improved terrain tessellation, adding detail to the environment that has never been seen before. – Extended street light lod distance and HDR. – Increased and fine tuned global reflections. – Corrected coronas with a brand new texture, thresholds, and exposure limits. – Brand new hbao settings, removing odd light bubbles and other bugs. – Additional color correction and postfx applied to each weather separately, to allow for the perfect balance. – 100% custom cloud hats, cycles, and colors. – Limited city light pollution for night time. – More location based timecycle edits to give that custom touch to specific area’s in the city and country side.h Providing the best looking water to date! – Individually crafted direct light for each and every body of water in the game. – Brand new weather particle effects, including totally original atmospheric mist/fog, pollen particles, dust, and wind debris.

– Newly added volumetric lighting for all times of day. – Added brand new motion blur, DOF effects, and additional bokeh, for that picture perfect look. – Lowered lens artifacts, removed chromatic aberration, noise, and environmental blur for a clean view. – Lowered and re-configured fog for natural, yet revealing landscapes with a perfect atmospheric touch.

– Brand new timecycle modifiers providing stunning tonemapping for both 3rd and 1st person views. – Perfect shadow cascades, with extended distance and intensity. All weathers are made to blend naturally, and create an image that will leave you breathless. All weathers have been carefully crafted to provide stunning sunrise/sunset, as well as mid day and night time. – 100% re-written weather files from scratch, without a detail over-looked. It improves pretty much every aspect of the game, from graphics to gameplay. GTA V Redux is a mod for Grand Theft Auto V, created by Josh Romito.